Sunday, 8 September 2019

Witty Teacher Sayings

Witty Teacher Sayings 

Witty Teacher Sayings
Witty Teacher Sayings

Teacher ?
I prefer the term educational rockstar.
- Witty Teacher Sayings

Witty Teacher Sayings
Witty Teacher Sayings

You mmight be a teacher if...
you are thankful that your thought bubble
is invisible at staff meetings.
-The Teacher Next door.
- Witty Teacher Sayings

Witty Teacher Sayings
Witty Teacher Sayings

The most valuable resource that all teachers
have is each other. Without collaboration our 
growth is limited to our own perspective.
- Witty Teacher Sayings

Witty Teacher Sayings
Witty Teacher Sayings

Some teachers taught the curriculum today.
Other teachers taught students today. And
there is a big difference.
- Witty Teacher Sayings